NASA 오늘의 사진 썸네일형 리스트형 Milky Way over Moon Valley Image Credit & Copyright: Rafael Defavari Explanation: Our Milky Way Galaxy arcs over a desolate landscape in this fantastic panoramic night skyview. The otherworldly scene looks across the arid, eroded terrain of the Valle de la Luna in the Chilean Atacama desert. Just along the horizon are lights from San Pedro, Chile, as well as the small villages of Socaire and Toconao, and a tortuous road f.. 더보기 Downtown Auriga 2014-02-13 Downtown Auriga Image Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo (Deep Sky Colors) Explanation: Rich in star clusters and nebulae, the ancient constellation of Auriga, the Charioteer, rides high in northern winter night skies. 북반구 겨울밤하늘에 높게 떠있는 마차부자리에는 성운과 성단이 풍부하다. Spanning nearly 24 full moons (12 degrees) on the sky, this deep telescopic mosaic view recorded in January shows off some of Auriga.. 더보기 A Particle Beam Jet forms HH 24 - 2014.02.04 Image Credit: Hubble Legacy Archive, NASA, ESA - Processing: Judy Schmidt Explanation: If you visit HH 24, don't go near the particle beam jet. This potential future travel advisory might be issued because the powerful jet likely contains electrons and protons moving hundreds of kilometers per second. The above image was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in infrared light in order to better un.. 더보기 From the Northern to the Southern Cross 2014-01-27 Image Credit & Copyright: Nicholas Buer Explanation: There is a road that connects the Northern to the Southern Cross but you have to be at the right place and time to see it. 북십자성에서 남십자성까지 연결되는 길이 있지만 볼려면 적절한 장소와 시간이 되어야한다. The road, as pictured above, is actually the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy; the right place, in this case, is dark Laguna Cejar in Salar de Atacama of Northern Chile;.. 더보기 Bright Supernova in M82 Bright Supernova in M82 Image Credit & Copyright: Adam Block, Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter, U. Arizona Explanation: Astronomers really don't find supernovae by looking for the arrows. 천문학자들은 진심으로 화살표가 찾은 초신성을 발견하지 못했다. But in this image taken January 23rd, an arrow does point to an exciting, new supernova, now cataloged as SN 2014J, in nearby bright galaxy M82. 그러나 1월 23일에 촬영된 이 이미지 안 화살표는 밝은 은하 M82 근처에.. 더보기 Spitzer's Orion 2014-01-15 Spitzer's Orion Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, T. Megeath (Univ. Toledo, Ohio) Explanation: Few cosmic vistas excite the imagination like the Orion Nebula, an immense stellar nursery some 1,500 light-years away. 1500광년 떨어진 별들의 요람인 오리온 성운과 같은 몇몇 우주 풍경은 상상력을 자극합니다. This stunning false-color view spans about 40 light-years across the region, constructed using infrared data from the Spitzer Space .. 더보기 2014년 1월 14일 - NGC 7293: The Helix Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Don Goldman Explanation: A mere seven hundred light years from Earth, in the constellation Aquarius, a sun-like star is dying. Its last few thousand years have produced the Helix Nebula (NGC 7293), a well studied and nearby example of a Planetary Nebula, typical of this final phase of stellar evolution. A total of 28.5 hours of exposure time have gone in to creating thi.. 더보기 SOLAR ACTIVITY SOLAR ACTIVITY UPDATE: 2014 began with a bang. At 18:54 UT on January 1st, big sunspot AR1936 erupted, producing a strong M9-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the explosion's extreme ultraviolet flash: The movie shows a dark filament of plasma racing away from the blast site, but most of the material fell back to the stellar surface. Nevertheless, the explosion did pr.. 더보기 Time-Lapse Auroras Over Norway Sometimes, after your eyes adapt to the dark, a spectacular sky appears. Such was the case in 2011 March when one of the largest auroral displays in recent years appeared over northern locations like the border between Norway and Russia. Pictured in the above time-lapse movie, auroras flow over snow covered landscapes, trees, clouds, mountains and lakes found near Kirkenes, Norway. Many times th.. 더보기 Melotte 15 in the Heart Melotte 15 in the Heart Image Credit & Copyright: Jimmy Walker Cosmic clouds seem to form fantastic shapes in the central regions of emission nebula IC 1805. 발광성운 IC1805의 중심 부분엔 환상적인 형태의 Cosmic clouds 이 형성되어있는거처럼 보인다. Of course, the clouds are sculpted by stellar winds and radiation from massive hot stars in the nebula's newborn star cluster, Melotte 15. 물론, 구름들은 성운에서 갓 태어난 성단 Melotte 15 안에 있는 질.. 더보기 천문 사이트1 - NASA 의 오늘의 천체사진 아래 사이트는 NASA 또는 개인 천체사진이 올라온다.. 멋진사진들도 많고 과학적으로 도움이 된다. 더보기 이전 1 다음